Dr Zarni's analysis of Myanmar Prisoner Release and Democratic Transition, Impact Program, BBC World News TV, 22 Jan 2016...
Dr Zarni analyses Myanmar Leaders' talk BBC World TV, 6 Dec 2015, 11:10 GMT...
Campaigning for Myanmar's first general election since end to military rule began on Tuesday. The polls in Myanmar will be the first since a......
As the government signs an agreement with Kachin rebels, we ask if a new political culture is emerging. The government of Myanmar and separatist......
Myanmar: Can the religious violence be ended? We (AJE) ask if the government can protect its Muslim population from persecution....
Earlier this month Myanmar President Thein Sein claimed that violence in Rakhine State was criminal in nature rather than based on religion or ethnic...
Burma's Good Buddhist Monks from "the Saffron Revolt Web" speak out against the violence and caution the public not to fall for the strategic trap...
Watch 2nd Leg here Watch 3rd Leg here
In this first leg of the interview with Thailand's NBC anchor and editor Ms Veenara Laohapakakul, I discuss the devastating consequences of President...
