Media/In the News

A Myanmar academic living overseas can claim a prominent role in getting Myanmar to answer genocide charges at an international court. By Sithu Aung...
By Tasnim Nazeer | Byline Times | December 9, 2019 With Aung San Suu Kyi due to appear at the UN’s highest court tomorrow to face questions over......
Ro Nay San Lwin and Maung Zarni tell Al Jazeera they fear for their lives but will not be 'silenced' by online abuse. By Usaid Siddiqui | Al Jazeera...
By Sorwar Alam | Published by Anadolu Agency on November 30, 2019 2 Myanmar Buddhist and leading Rohingya campaigners in Europe claim they face......
Exiled: The Roots of Myanmar's Persecution of the Rohingya Insight into the harrowing experiences faced by Myanmar's Rohingya at the hands of the......
By Yuriko Cowper-Smith | Published by The Sentinel Project on August 13, 2019 Addressing the seemingly intractable Rohingya genocide and the......
By Mehdi Hasan | Published by The Intercept on August 24, 2019 ISN’T IT TIME Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was indicted for war crimes...
I ROHINGYA A MONTECITORIO Le prove raccolte dal Tpp andranno all'Aja alla Corte penale internazionale By Emanuele Giordana | Published by lettera22...
By Sena Güler | Published by Anadolu Agency on December 1, 2018 Maung Zarni says he will boycott Beijing-sponsored events until the country reverses...
