
"Myanmar Economic Crime Documentation Unit" There is a need to establish an open-source intelligence unit monitoring the process of privatization in...
Over the past year, Myanmar has been plagued by neo-Nazi "Buddhist" racism and organized mob violence targeting the country's minority Muslims of......
At the heart of Myanmar's official and, sadly, popular use of the term 'Bengali' is a discursive strategy meant to to illegalize, alien-ize and de...
From a Burmese father to his son Son: Dad, what are the differences among our country's 'socialist regime', 'military dictatorship' and 'democracy...
Beneath Naypyidaw's democracy-promoting rhetoric lies a multi-pronged and multi-faceted strategy adopted by the country’s previous junta leaders and...
An official report into last year's violence in Rakhine State, launched on April 29 at the government's foreign donor financed Myanmar Peace Center...
Burma/Myanmar's radical "969 movement" has been central in the recent brutal pogroms against minority Muslims that have left at least 40 dead and 12...
Burma’s conflicts are neither new nor are they singular. Conflicts along multiple-lines – class and ideology, civil society and the military, and......
Buddhist Nationalism in Burma: How Institutionalized Racism led to the Genocide of Rohingya Muslims, Tricycle, Spring 2013 by Maung Zarni For those...
