Published by NOW.WORLD on May 11, 2021
Dear G7 Leaders,
We, pro-democracy leaders and freedom fighters in non-democratic countries write to ask for your support. From Hong Kong to Venezuela, from Belarus to Russia, we ask you to form a League of Democracies to protect and innovate democracy!
Across the world, democracy is in decline. From authoritarian regimes cracking down on freedoms and rights, to dictators obstructing free elections, the situation is deteriorating fast. No country alone has the leverage to push back against authoritarian states nor protect freedoms. Today, we ask you to dream bigger. For democracy to be won, we must work together. That is why the campaign movement NOW! has been bringing forward this campaign to create a League of Democracies since July 2020, with activists in over 120 countries taking part in protests and online actions to press on democracies to unite in this League to protect and promote freedom. 4 million people joined them online.
This League of Democracies would be able to coordinate responses and implement measures - such as economic sanctions - to support freedom fighters and safeguard freedoms and democracy. Furthermore, this coalition will provide a platform for countries to share ideas and best practices on how to innovate democracy! For democracy to thrive, we need to constantly protect it, improve it and innovate it.
Creating this League will not be easy, but it is necessary. Those who love freedom and democracy, and do not want to see the dark shadow of authoritarianism spreading around the world, must stand together. Those who want to explore the new horizons that new technologies and innovative democratic practices offer must unite. The creation of such an international coalition is a building block for the world of tomorrow, a world of freedom, where governments are truly accountable to their citizens.
By joining this initiative, we, the undersigned, commit to being vocal supporters of the League. We will work with democratic countries to ensure that - while our countries still struggle to get out of the grip of authoritarians and dictators - we represent the voice of our people. Through this campaign, the voices of the voiceless will continue to resonate in democratic institutions.
Leaders and people of the G7 countries, start the creation of such a League. Include all democracies who dare to dream big. Create the inclusive and free world of tomorrow.