Belabouring the Obvious: Zarni's 3 minutes Screaming "UN has failed" in the Face of His Country's Rohingya Genocide

To belabour the obvious, the United Nations is a categorical failure.

My old mate Charles Petrie issued a 128-page Internal Review of UN's Systemic Failures in Sri Lanka in Apr 2012.

It in effect indicted UN for siding with the genocidal state of Sri Lanka: Petrie did not use the word 'genocide' in the case of Sri Lanka's mass slaughter and destruction of a substantial segment of the Tamil population, but the Peoples' Tribunal on Sri Lanka of which I was a part did.

PPT don't play politics, and we don't believe in one of the biggest farces in international law that only a UN-sponsored 'judicial process' can determine what is GENOCIDE and what is NOT.

Three years on in Oct 2015, I declared UN a complete failure in Myanmar - in the face of the unfolding genocide.

Here is my scathing denunciation of the UN, starting with the Security Council. This ain't no brilliant insight; but to belabour the obvious: diplomats, UN officials, etc. play along this farcical game of
"international law" "norms" "values".

Charles Petrie took 11-months to write his Sri Lanka report and  I took a mere 3-minutes.

Neither one of us is really listened to, taken seriously, have we? The respectable Petrie or the un-respectable Zarni. It makes no difference.

The world is the Wild West: guns, money and organized powers (states) rule us, while we harp on the so-called UDHR (officially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

I love what's Goebbels' secretary  Brunhilde Pomsel said to the BBC in a documentary  - in her final years past 100th birthday:  "There is no justice in the world. There is no God, but plenty of Devils".'

The UN has become a huge Devil, in and of itself. Exhume the corpses in the mass graves in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Rwanda, Cambodia, Bangladesh, etc. and talk to their remains.

Their bones and teeth serve as a most troubling reminder that we do NOT have a system that we can call "Civilization".

The dominant political thinking has NOT progressed BEYOND the 17th century Westphalian model of "sovereignty", which in effect translates into "do what you want with the human populations within your boundaries" and we'll split the spoils from this arrangement.

States may bicker, and the so-called "Great Powers" may be in conflict over interests.

Insofar as little people - like you and me on my  email list - and, worse still, the real victims of this failed UN system, are concerned, there is no recourse, no justice, no accountability, well-past the human rights NGOs' statements, lobbies, and self-congratulations.

So pray to your God. Adopt Mindfulness. Apply for research or NGO grants. Go run a mini-marathon Sit in the sauna. Have a joint. Or drink more.

UN staff get paid as usual. No head falls. Diplomats continue to lie with a straight face. Rights activists scream from the street - and get nowhere.

Everyone is doing their job - just like Kate Winslet, an illiterate Nazi officer who seduced a young teenager (played by Ralph Fiennes) to read to her classics in bed, said during her post-Holocaust trial in the Nazi movie "The Reader": "I am just doing my job".

SS Colonel Adolf Eichmann said the same thing in his trial Jerusalem, which in turn  made Hannah Arendt famous with her memorial phrase, "banality of evil".

Welcome to the Depraved World Order where Bureaucracy, States and UN rule!

Here is Mr Rosenthal's 36-page report:  UN is a systemic failure (from 2010-2018) in Myanmar.

At least, I scream. I curse. I rant.I offend.  I rage on - like whitewater currents.

The least I can do:  curse the System that cannot be reformed and that has no capacity to self-correct.

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